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DeFi command centre to query & visualise real-time data, execute transactions and automate workflows.
What is Vektor?
Vektor serves as a comprehensive command center for DeFi investors, enabling the execution of sophisticated strategies across multiple blockchains and protocols. It simplifies complex DeFi operations, offering functions like LP, LEND/BORROW, BUY/SELL, and more. Vektor's non-custodial approach allows investors to manage their assets efficiently, automating repetitive workflows and visualizing real-time on-chain data without the need for extensive in-house engineering.
Web3 dapps and developer tools related to Vektor
Discover blockchain applications that are frequently used with Vektor.
Consensus Clients
A consensus client implementation written in Rust providing consistent high performance.
RPC Node Providers
A development tools and knowledge company helping onboard devs to Web3.
Blockchain Interoperability Tools
Multichain Tools for Web3 Builders enabling cross-chain digital asset beaming.
Resources and Guides about Execution Clients
Vektor Alternatives
Explore web3 competitors and apps like Vektor.