Everything from Ethers - and way more
Our SDK extends Ethers.js provider, allowing you to access all the node methods you already know. However, the real magic is everything else you get for free.

All your requests use Alchemy’s best-in-class infrastructure that powers 70% of top dApps - meaning your requests will always succeed when you need them. Plus, you’ll get 10 million free requests every month.

Get easy-to-use access to all of Alchemy’s Enhanced APIs with only a single line of code, including Alchemy’s coveted NFT API and Websockets. What used to take hours now takes seconds.

If it runs on an EVM, we support it. Access your Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, and Starkware nodes using the same interface and one simple config.

Automatic retries? Exponential backoff? Timeout handling? Automatic query typing? The Alchemy SDK is 10x easier than calling our APIs directly.
How the Alchemy SDK Works
Dozens of lines of code are reduced to a single request - let’s take a look at how easy your life will be with the Alchemy SDK.