smart accounts
Fully abstract the user experience with secure, extensible smart accounts.

Trusted by the best

Modular Account
A modular ERC-6900 account, extensible through a variety of onchain plugins.
Enterprise-grade security
Designed from the ground up to keep your assets secure. Used by everyone from financial institutions to consumer applications.

Extend your account with modular plugins
Explore audited ERC-6900 compliant modular plugins to extend the functionality of your smart account.

Improve user experiences while providing on-chain security guardrails, enabling behavior like transaction-less experiences and account automation.

Supports one or more EOA accounts or ERC-1271 compliant contracts as owners of the account.

Protect NFTs (ERC721s, collections, or specific tokens) inside your modular account even if the rest of your account is compromised, including your owner key.

Build your own ERC-6900 plugin that any compliant modular account can install! Get started with Collab.Land's how to guide.

Experience the magic of Modular Account
Play Worth of Words, an onchain, Wordle-style game where every player gets a smart account with session keys for transaction-free experience.

Light Account
Get started with
Light Account
A simple ERC-4337 smart contract account with a designated owner and upgrade path to Modular Account.

Your complete
Account Abstraction stack
Add zero-friction web3 onboarding to your application with Embedded Accounts, and power all of your ERC-4337 infrastructure with our Bundler and Gas Manager APIs.

Plug-n-play embedded wallets
Make wallets invisible. Simple, non-custodial accounts to onboard users and transact with web2 UX.
Code preview
// 1. Auth Your User
const signer = new AlchemySigner({
client: {
connection: { rpcUrl },
iframeConfig: { iframeContainerId: "alchemy-signer-iframe-container" },
signer.authenticate({ type: "email", email: "[email protected]", bundle });
// 2. Create an Account
const account = await createMultiOwnerModularAccount({
// 3. Use web3!
account.signMessage({ message: "Hello, World!" });

Sponsor gas, boost transactions
Get users to your magic moment faster by removing the biggest barrier with gas sponsorship.
Code preview
import { smartAccountClient } from "./smartAccountClient.ts";
// Send a sponsored UO from your smart account like this:
const { hash } = await smartAccountClient.sendUserOperation({
target: "0xTargetAddress",
data: "0xCallData",
value: 0n, // value in bigint or leave undefined