Alchemy Acquires Satsuma to Power Alchemy Subgraphs

Alchemy Acquires Satsuma to Power Alchemy Subgraphs

Author: Alchemy Team

Reviewed by Brady Werkheiser

Published on September 26, 20232 min read

Building a successful blockchain app is hard.

One reason: you have to build complex pipelines for extracting and transforming blockchain data.

Solution, incoming.

We’re thrilled to announce that we have acquired Satsuma, the best-in-class subgraph platform, to power Alchemy's Subgraphs.

By using Subgraphs, developers can build custom GraphQL APIs in a fraction of the time it takes to spin up in-house data pipelines.


Subgraphs are fully self-serve and included with your Alchemy account - access Subgraphs now through your dashboard!

As blockchain user activity expands and higher-throughput L2s grow in popularity, there’s an ever-increasing amount of data stored onchain.

To power data-intensive applications, blockchain developers have two main options: do it yourself, or use Subgraphs.

Since blockchain storage is expensive, developers try to minimize the amount of data stored on-chain.

If you want to compute a complicated metric like TVL, you’ll need to ingest and transform raw transactions yourself. You’ll have to handle data invalidation when reorgs happen and deal with the maintenance cost of operating data pipelines.

Subgraphs provide an open-source abstraction for indexing a custom GraphQL API based on blockchain data. Define your API schema and how you want to process data - and that’s it!

After you deploy your subgraph code to a platform like Subgraphs, you’ll get a fully managed GraphQL API for powering your application!

Subgraph's infrastructure has improved the quality of GMX's user facing stat pages and internal chain related tracking requirements. High speed initial syncs and reindexing, are especially helpful for high volume chains like Arbitrum and Avalanche, allowing updates to be pushed out quicker and keep data fresh.

@coinflipcanada, Key Contributor at GMX

Build with Alchemy's Subgraph
Build with Alchemy's Subgraph

Using Subgraphs means spending less time waiting for data to process.

As a subgraph developer, you have to wait for data to sync every time you change your subgraph code. Alchemy Subgraph customers see up to 5x faster historical indexing, allowing you to ship features faster.

After your subgraph has caught up to chain tip, it still needs to process new blocks. With Subgraphs, incoming data arrives up to 2x faster for your end users.

With Subgraph’s turbocharged indexing, our subgraphs sync up to 7x faster and we never have to worry about them drifting from the last block.

Philip Andersson, Head of Engineering at Superfluid

Save engineering time using Alchemy's Subgraph
Save engineering time using Alchemy's Subgraph

Subgraphs help developers iterate and debug faster with features like:

Switch over to Subgraph’s fully managed service in < 5 minutes.

View real-time analytics on your subgraph’s performance and learn how to optimize indexing with Performance Insights.

Unlock more efficient aggregations or solve analytics' use cases with direct access to your subgraph’s PostgreSQL database.

Deploy and query multiple versions of your subgraph with a seamless versioning system. Flexible versioning lets your team test features in advance and instantly rollback if you encounter issues.

Our partnership with Subgraphs has significantly improved our indexing process, saving a remarkable 85% of time while eliminating data loss concerns.

Yenwen Feng, Co-Founder at Perpetual Protocol

Subgraphs offer enterprise-grade reliability with a 99.9% API SLA, so you never worry about downtime again.

Customer testimonial from Treasure.
Customer testimonial from Treasure.

Leveraging Subgraphs, coupled with the existing suite of APIs, SDKs, and developer tools unlocks an enterprise-ready solution for projects of any type:

  • DeFi developers who need to manage complex data abstractions with fast indexing times.

  • Gaming developers who require low data lag for users and fast indexing times.

  • NFT developers who need to reliably track NFT data with low data lag.

  • Metaverse developers who need improved load times and scalability.

Subgraphs will change the way you process blockchain data.

Ready to see for yourself?

Access Subgraphs now through your dashboard to deploy your first subgraph, migrate your existing subgraph to your dashboard in less than 5 minutes with the drop-in one-click importer, or talk to our team about using Subgraphs for your project.

Subgraphs are included with your Alchemy account - access Subgraphs now through your dashboard!

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